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Our Stories and the Tools

Our Stories and the Tools

Our newsletter, the SCAnner, offered several consecutive issues devoted to various aspects of the SCA program of recovery, including the Steps, the Traditions, and the Characteristics. The winter 2000 edition was dedicated to the Tools That Help Us Get Better. At the time, the International Service Organization, representing the group conscience of the fellowship as a whole, had not yet adopted Writing as one of the Tools. However, there is a separate pamphlet devoted to that cause, which is available through our literature store. None of the other stories below are SCA Conference Approved Literature; each story represents only the member who wrote it. Take what you like and leave the rest.

Meetings – Jim M (St. Louis) and Randy P (NY)

The Telephone – George C (NY) and Jeff Z (NY)

Sponsorship – Steven D’ (NY) and Merle H (NY)

Literature – Paul N (Milwaukee) and Patrick C (Long Island)

The Twelve Steps – David A-S (NY)

Prayer and Meditation – Rob W (NY) and Bill B (NY)

The Sexual Recovery Plan – Jerry J (LA) and Doug K (NY)

Abstention – CS (NY)

Socializing – Michael P (NY)

Dating – CS (NY) and Alex W (SF)

The Slogans – David A-S (NY)

Service – Joe (LA) and David B (NY)

Writing – SCA ISO